Paolo Torriti is a Confirmed Researcher at the University of Siena, Department of Philology and Literary Criticism. Scientific disciplinary sector: History of Modern Art (L-ART/02).
He is Professor of "History of Art" in the Degree Course in Languages for Intercultural and Business Communication, and of "Visual and Applied Arts in the Modern Age" in the Degree Course in Anthropology and Languages of the Image.
He is also Director of the Master in History, Design and Marketing of Jewelry, at the University of Siena and Director of Lab.Or, Laboratory of History and Technique of Goldsmith (Arezzo Campus, ).
Delegate of the Rector in the Steering Committee of the Fashion Technology District of the Tuscany Region.
In addition to teaching, his research activity has always been directed towards the study of Applied Arts and Goldsmith. Curator of several exhibitions, he has numerous publications on the topics of his interest (see CV).