Professore Associato


Silvia Tiezzi is an Associate Professor of Public Policy at the University of Siena’s Department of Economics and Statistics. Her research addresses empirical questions at the intersection of health economics, environmental economics, and behavioral public economics. Methodologically, she combines standard empirical microeconometrics using observational data and experimental methods to study how individual consumption behaviour can inform and shape public policy.

She has been the recipient of a Marie Curie Fellowship and is currently managing a nationally-funded research project. She has been a Visiting Marie Curie Scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Université de Montréal, and a Visiting Associate Professor at Monash University. She is an External Affiliate of the Health Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) and was previously a Research Associate at the Pittsburgh Experimental Economics Laboratory (PEEL). 

Office hours

Academic year 2023-2024: Face-to-face Office Hours can be scheduled by writing an email to silvia.tiezzi@unisi.it

Office #221 second floor, Department of Economics and Statistics.

Office Hours can also be arranged remotely by accessing Prof. Tiezzi's personal Webex Room:


Students must book Office Hours meetings by sending an email to silvia.tiezzi@unisi.it 

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching activities

Completion accademic year: 2024/2025

Course year: 2 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY A.Y. 2023/2024
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS A.Y. 2024/2025

Completion accademic year: 2023/2024

Course year: 2 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY A.Y. 2022/2023
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS A.Y. 2023/2024

Completion accademic year: 2022/2023

Course year: 2 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY A.Y. 2021/2022
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS A.Y. 2022/2023

Completion accademic year: 2021/2022

Course year: 2 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY A.Y. 2020/2021
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS A.Y. 2021/2022

Completion accademic year: 2020/2021

Course year: 2 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY A.Y. 2019/2020
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ECONOMICS A.Y. 2020/2021


Ultime pubblicazioni:

  • Huang, L., Tiezzi, S., Xiao, E. (2024). Who stands up to persuade?. - view more
  • Di Cosmo, V., Tiezzi, S. (2024). Let them eat cake? The net welfare impacts of a fat tax [10.2139/ssrn.4326087]. - view more
  • Crudu, F., Di Stefano, R., Mellace, G., Tiezzi, S. (2024). The gray zone: How not imposing a strict lockdown at the beginning of a pandemic can cost many lives. LABOUR ECONOMICS, 89, 1-13 [10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102580]. - view more
  • Piccoli, L., Tiezzi, S. (2023). Eggs when young chicken when old. Time consistency and addiction over the life cycle. In IZA DP No. 16372 (pp. 1-20). Bonn : IZA Institute of Labour Economics. - view more
  • Bizzarri, F., Mocenni, C., Tiezzi, S. (2023). A Markov Decision Process with Awareness and Present Bias in Decision-Making. MATHEMATICS, 11(11) [10.3390/math11112588]. - view more