Niccolò Scaffai is Full Professor at the University of Siena. He teaches Contemporary Italian Literature and Comparative Literature. He is Director of the "Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca Franco Fortini in Storia della tradizione culturale del Novecento". He trained at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. From 2010 to 2019 he taught Contemporary Literature at the University of Lausanne. He coordinates the Double Degree Program in Modern Literature University of Siena-Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris). Me is member of GEV (VQR 2020-2024). He is Principal Investigator of the Research Project PRIN 2022: Letters on the Net: Eugenio Montale's correspondence (1915-1981) and unit manager of PRIN PNRR 2022: For an Atlas of Italian Ecological Literature: From the Great Acceleration to the Pandemic (LEDA). He is a member of the board MOD- Società italiana per lo studio della modernità letteraria, and of Compalit-Associazione di teoria e storia comparata della letteratura.
Professore Ordinario
Office hours
Wednesday from 17:00 to 19:00Place: DFCLAM Palazzo S. Niccolò IV piano, studio 422 Il docente riceve in presenza (o su GMeet in caso di necessità). Gli studenti potranno concordare un orario scrivendo a:
Note: Professor Scaffai receives at the set time in room 422 (Palazzo S. Niccolò, via Roma 56, 4th floor) or in the virtual GMeet room. Students can arrange an appointment by writing to:
0577232272 [int.2272]
Curriculum Vitae
Teaching activities
Completion accademic year: 2024/2025
Completion accademic year: 2023/2024
Completion accademic year: 2022/2023
Completion accademic year: 2021/2022
Main research fields:
- Literary criticism;
- Comparative literature and literary theory;
- Modern and contemporary literature.
Main research subjects:
- Literature and ecology;
- Modern and contemporary poetry;
- Primo Levi and the literature of the Shoah;
- Archives of 20th century Italian poets;
- Analysis, commentary and interpretation of literary texts;
- Contemporary writers;
- Short stories, autofiction and narrative structures.
Selected publications:
- Scaffai, N., Campeggiani, I. (2019). Eugenio Montale, "La bufera e altro", edizione commentata a cura di I. Campeggiani e N. Scaffai.. Milano : Mondadori. - view more
- Scaffai, N. (2017). Letteratura e ecologia: forme e temi di una relazione narrativa. Roma : Carocci. - view more
- Scaffai, N. (2015). Il lavoro del poeta: Montale, Sereni, Caproni. Roma : Carocci. - view more
- Scaffai, N., Diaco, F. (a cura di). (2018). Dall’altra riva. Fortini e Sereni. Pisa : ETS. - view more
- Scaffai, N. (a cura di). (2018). Ecopoetry. Poesia del degrado ambientale. Pisa : Pacini editore. - view more