Ricercatore Legge 240/10 - tempo determinato


Annamaria Recupero has a PhD in Social Psychology and Educational Processes from the University of Rome Sapienza.

She is Junior Researcher at the Department of Social Political and Cognitive Sciences, and she collaborates with the Santa Chiara Fab Lab in research and development projects.

Her research interests include the Research for Design, with a focus on the psycho-social processes involved in the interaction with the technologies, and Research on Design with a focus on user experience design, co-design and design thinking methodologies.

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching activities

Completion accademic year: 2024/2025

Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES A.Y. 2024/2025

Completion accademic year: 2023/2024

Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES A.Y. 2023/2024


Ultime pubblicazioni:

  • Recupero, A., Marti, P. (2024). Il museo fuori dal museo. Il co-design di nuovi servizi museali accessibili e inclusivi. In Atti della Conferenza Nazionale SID “Design per la Diversità” Pescara 12-13 Giugno 2023 (pp.55-65). Società Italiana di Design. - view more
  • Franchi, L., Nieri, M., Marti, P., Recupero, A., Volpe, A., Vichi, A., et al. (2024). Clinical Management of Facemasks for Early Treatment of Class III Malocclusion: A Survey among SIDO Members. DENTISTRY JOURNAL, 12(7) [10.3390/dj12070207]. - view more
  • Marti, P., Recupero, A., Regal, G., Sackl, A. (2023). Bringing Culture to People: A Co-design Method for Redefining the Role of the Museum. DIID(81), 134-145 [10.30682/diid8123j]. - view more
  • Teverini, G., Recupero, A., Marti, P., Caponi, A., Mastrodonato, S. (2023). More-than-human health for the responsible innovation of wearable medical devices. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI ERGONOMIA, 26, 9-25. - view more
  • Marti, P., Massari, S., Recupero, A. (2023). Transformational design for food systems: cultural, social and technological challenges. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD DESIGN, 8(1), 109-132 [10.1386/ijfd_00053_1]. - view more