Ricercatore Legge 240/10 - tempo determinato


Tenure-track Assistant Professor (RTD-B, SSD: SECS-S/06) at the University of SienaDepartment of Economics and Statistics.

My research interests fall mainly in Quantitative Finance and, more broadly, in the intersection of discrete mathematics with other fields, including statistics, probability, and statistical physics. My work has been focused in particular on network models and time series analysis. The main applications has been devoted to the study of financial networks and systemic risk. Recently, I investigate new applications of machine learning techniques and neural networks to solve problems of statistical inference of nonlinear dynamic models.

Office hours

  • Friday from 10:00 to 12:00
    Place: in presenza - Studio 216 - o online, su appuntamento (prenotare ricevimento tramite email -

Friday 10am-12am (by appointment)

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching activities

Completion accademic year: 2024/2025

Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND BANKING A.Y. 2023/2024
Course year: 2 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) FINANCE A.Y. 2023/2024

Completion accademic year: 2023/2024

Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND BANKING A.Y. 2022/2023
Course year: 2 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) FINANCE A.Y. 2022/2023

Completion accademic year: 2022/2023

Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND BANKING A.Y. 2021/2022


Ultime pubblicazioni:

  • Tsaknaki, I., Lillo, F., Mazzarisi, P. (2024). Online learning of order flow and market impact with Bayesian change-point detection methods. QUANTITATIVE FINANCE, 1-16 [10.1080/14697688.2024.2337300]. - view more
  • Buccheri, G., Mazzarisi, P. (2024). Realized Random Graphs, with an Application to the Interbank Network. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS, 1-34 [10.1093/jjfinec/nbae024]. - view more
  • Macchiati, V., Mazzarisi, P., Garlaschelli, D. (2024). Interbank network reconstruction enforcing density and reciprocity. CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS, 186, 1-16 [10.1016/j.chaos.2024.115279]. - view more
  • Mazzarisi, P., Ravagnani, A., Deriu, P., Lillo, F., Medda, F., Russo, A. (2024). A machine learning approach to support decision in insider trading detection. EPJ DATA SCIENCE, 13(1), 1-44 [10.1140/epjds/s13688-024-00500-2]. - view more
  • Shternshis, A., Mazzarisi, P. (2024). Variance of entropy for testing time-varying regimes with an application to meme stocks. DECISIONS IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE, 47, 215-258 [10.1007/s10203-023-00427-9]. - view more