Maria Rosaria
Ricercatore Legge 240/10 - tempo determinato


Maria Rosaria Luberto is a fixed term researcher at Siena University since December 2022. She graduated at the University of Florence, and then obtained the post MA Specialization in Classical Archaeology and the PhD in History and Civilization of the Ancient World at the same Institution. She is an archaeologist specialized in Greece, south Italy, and Sicily. Research fields: Greek colonisation; ancient urbanism, topography, and townscapes; domestic architecture; landscape archaeology; material culture; pottery production, technology, and use; ancient textiles; iconography; games and festivals of the Roman Imperial period; Greek and Latin texts; cataloguing and management of the storerooms of the museums.

She is the PI of the project UrbArts-Urban Archaeological Townscapes on the Ioanian Coast of Calabria, devoted to the analysis of the birth and growth of the Greek city of Kroton in the landscape it belongs to between the IX and VI c. BC. Main work experience: Research Fellow in Italy and Greece IMT-Scuola Alti Studi di Lucca; Università degli Studi di Firenze) e all’estero (Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene). Teaching experience (Italian School of Archaeology at Athens; University of Florence) in the archaeology of Magna Graecia and methods of archaeological research at BA, MA, and post MA level (Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia); supervisor of BA, MA, post MA (Specialization) and PhD theses. External collaborator of the Italian Archaeological Service of Calabria and Tuscany, of the Direzione Musei Calabria and of the Museo di Firenze, of the Parco Archeologico della Sibaritide and of the MArTa-Museo

Archeologico di Taranto as director of field and cataloguing projects and organiser of exhibitions.

Since 2018, she is the chief editor of the Editorial Committee and of the Publication staff of the IASA-Italian School of Archaeology at Athens.

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching activities

Completion accademic year: 2024/2025

Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) ARCHAEOLOGY A.Y. 2024/2025
Course year: 1 Specialization school Beni archeologici A.Y. 2024/2025

Completion accademic year: 2023/2024

Course year: 1 Specialization school Beni archeologici A.Y. 2023/2024


Ultime pubblicazioni:

  • Luberto, M.R. (In corso di stampa). Corinth and the others: the Greek pottery of the 8th century from Salento to the Ionian coast of southern Italy. ANNUARIO DELLA SCUOLA ARCHEOLOGICA DI ATENE E DELLE MISSIONI ITALIANE IN ORIENTE, 102. - view more
  • Cavallero, F.G., Luberto, M.R. (2023). Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente: indici ragionati, volumi 1-100 (1914-2022): volume speciale, 1-274. - view more
  • Luberto, M.R. (2023). Di necessità virtù: l’archeologia preventiva per la ricerca scientifica e la valorizzazione. ANNALI DI ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA ANTICA, 30, 273-280. - view more
  • Luberto, M.R. (2023). Tra Grecia e Italia: note sulla fondazione dell’Annuario. ANNUARIO DELLA SCUOLA ARCHEOLOGICA DI ATENE E DELLE MISSIONI ITALIANE IN ORIENTE, volume speciale, 8-14. - view more
  • Luberto, M.R. (2023). Aree sacre e quartieri artigianali in Magna Grecia: le colonie achee. In O. de Cazanove, A. Esposito, N. Monteix, A. Pollini (a cura di), Travailler à l’ombre du temple: activités de production et lieux de culte dans le monde antique (pp. 173-195). Napoli : Centre Jean Bérard [10.4000/books.pcjb.8683]. - view more