Professore Associato

Office hours

Office hours: Tuesday 9 am-11am



0577232044 [int.2044]

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching activities

Completion accademic year: 2024/2025

Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND BANKING A.Y. 2023/2024
Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT A.Y. 2023/2024
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) FINANCE A.Y. 2024/2025

Completion accademic year: 2023/2024

Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT A.Y. 2022/2023
Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND BANKING A.Y. 2022/2023
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) FINANCE A.Y. 2023/2024

Completion accademic year: 2022/2023

Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND BANKING A.Y. 2021/2022
Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT A.Y. 2021/2022
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) FINANCE A.Y. 2022/2023

Completion accademic year: 2021/2022

Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) ECONOMICS AND BANKING A.Y. 2020/2021


Ultime pubblicazioni:

  • Roma, A., Consolandi, C. (2025). Big Moves, Small Gains: Unpacking the Size Effect in Takeovers and Other Corporate Deals. ECONOMIC NOTES, 54(1), 1-16 [10.1111/ecno.70004]. - view more
  • Consolandi, C., Jim, H. (2024). From ESG to Sustainable Impact Finance: Moving Past the Current Confusion. In A. B. Schmidt (a cura di), Sustainable Investing. Problems and Solutions (pp. 3-28). World Scientific Publishing [10.1142/9789811297786_0001]. - view more
  • Consolandi, C., Ferri, G., Roncella, A. (2023). All you need is G(overnance): Sustainable finance following Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s frescoes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & SOCIAL RESEARCH, 13(1), 1-24 [10.18533/ijbsr.v13i01.1456]. - view more
  • Consolandi, C., Roncella, A. (2023). Finance for impact: the new era of sustainable finance. In C.C. C. Busco (a cura di), The Impact of Organizations: Measurement, Management and Corporate Reporting (pp. 145-155). Londra, Torino : Routledge-Giappichelli [10.4324/9781003462835-11]. - view more
  • Consolandi, C., Eccles, R.G., Gabbi, G. (2022). How material is a material issue? Stock returns and the financial relevance and financial intensity of ESG materiality. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE FINANCE & INVESTMENT, 12(4), 1045-1068 [10.1080/20430795.2020.1824889]. - view more