Office hours

  • Friday from 11:00 to 13:00
    Place: Studio docente, 449, al IV piano del Palazzo di San Niccolò, via Roma 56, 53100 Siena. In caso di necessità (per es. per appuntamenti via Gmeet), si prega di contattare la docente via e-mail:

Teaching activities

Completion accademic year: 2024/2025

Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2024/2025
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2024/2025
Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) STUDIES IN LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2023/2024
Course year: 1 First cycle degree (DM 270) STUDIES IN LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2024/2025

Completion accademic year: 2023/2024

Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2023/2024
Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2023/2024
Course year: 2 First cycle degree (DM 270) STUDIES IN LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2022/2023
Course year: 1 First cycle degree (DM 270) STUDIES IN LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2023/2024

Completion accademic year: 2022/2023

Course year: 1 Second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY A.Y. 2022/2023


Ultime pubblicazioni:

  • Bernardini, P., Crisciani, C. (2024). Parte I [in Moralis philosophia]. In P. Bernardini, C. Casagrande, C. Crisciani, R. Lambertini, C. Panti, M. Pereira, et al. (a cura di), Ruggero Bacone, Moralis philosophia (pp. 41-97). Firenze : SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo. - view more
  • Bernardini, P. (2024). Per Aristotelem et per veritatem: arguments against the Unicity of the intellect in Albert the Great’s Summa theologiae, II pars, tr. 13, q. 77, m. 3. BULLETIN DE PHILOSOPHIE MEDIEVALE, 65, 173-200 [10.1484/J.BPM.5.136283]. - view more
  • Bernardini, P. (2023). An unpublished question on the Unicity of the intellect (Adam de Whitby?) (ms. Praha Archív Pražského hradu, fond Rukopisy knihovny Metropolitní kapituly u sv. Víta M.80, ff. 66rb, lin. 44 - 66vb, lin. 19). DOCUMENTI E STUDI SULLA TRADIZIONE FILOSOFICA MEDIEVALE, 34, 209-246. - view more
  • Bernardini, P. (2023). Aristotle’s De anima at the Faculties of Arts (13th-14th Centuries). Turnhout : Brepols. - view more
  • Bernardini, P. (2022). Nuove ricerche sul fondo di Santa Croce: un frammento del «Commento alle Sentenze» di Pietro delle Travi (BML, Plut. 4 sin. 3, ff. 211ra-224rb). CODEX STUDIES, 6, 23-52. - view more